BigData Search engine and framework links

Tue 28 July 2015
Apache Lucene: Search engine library Apache Solr: Search platform for Apache Lucene ElasticSearch: Search and analytics engine based on Apache Lucene Elasticsearch Hadoop: Elasticsearch real-time search and analytics natively integrated with Hadoop. Supports Map/Reduce, Cascading, Apache Hive and Apache Pig. Freemium robust web application for exploring, filtering ...

BigData Security links

Tue 28 July 2015
Apache Argus: framework to enable, monitor and manage comprehensive data security across the Hadoop platform Apache Knox Gateway: single point of secure access for Hadoop clusters Apache Sentry: security module for data stored in Hadoop PacketPig: Open Source Big Data Security Analytics Voltage SecureData: data protection framework

BigData Service Programming links

Tue 28 July 2015
Akka Toolkit: runtime for distributed, and fault tolerant event-driven applications on the JVM Apache Avro: data serialization system Apache Curator: Java libaries for Apache ZooKeeper Apache Karaf: OSGi runtime that runs on top of any OSGi framework Apache Thrift: framework to build binary protocols Apache Zookeeper: centralized service for process ...

BigData SQL-like processing links

Tue 28 July 2015
Actian SQL for Hadoop: high performance interactive SQL access to all Hadoop data AMPLAB Shark: data warehouse system for Spark Apache Drill: framework for interactive analysis, inspired by Dremel Apache HCatalog: table and storage management layer for Hadoop Apache Hive: SQL-like data warehouse system for Hadoop Apache Optiq: framework that ...

BigData Time series database links

Tue 28 July 2015
Etsy StatsD: simple daemon for easy stats aggregation Square Cube: system for collecting timestamped events and deriving metrics, uses MongoDB to store time series data TempoIQ: Cloud-based sensor analytics InfluxDB: distributed time series database Kairosdb: similar to OpenTSDB but allows for Cassandra OpenTSDB: distributed time series database on top of ...

Hortonworks Data Platform 2.3, Component versions

Sat 25 July 2015
Links Available Now: HDP 2.3