Ankush: A big data cluster management tool that creates and manages clusters of different technologies.
Apache Ambari: operational framework for Hadoop mangement
Apache Bigtop: system deployment framework for the Hadoop ecosystem
Apache Helix: cluster management framework
Apache Mesos: cluster manager
Apache Slider: is a YARN application to deploy existing distributed applications on YARN
Apache Whirr: set of libraries for running cloud services
Apache YARN: Cluster manager
Brooklyn: library that simplifies application deployment and management
Buildoop: Similar to Apache BigTop based on Groovy language
Cloudera HUE: web application for interacting with Hadoop
Deimos: Mesos containerizer hooks for Docker
Develoop: tool for provisioning, managing and monitoring Apache Hadoop
Facebook Autoscale: the load balancer will concentrate workload to a server until it has at least a medium-level workload
Facebook Prism: multi datacenters replication system
Ganglia Monitoring System: is a scalable distributed monitoring system for high-performance computing systems such as clusters and Grids. It is based on a hierarchical design targeted at federations of clusters. It leverages widely used technologies such as XML for data representation, XDR for compact, portable data transport, and RRDtool for data storage and visualization. It uses carefully engineered data structures and algorithms to achieve very low per-node overheads and high concurrency. The implementation is robust, has been ported to an extensive set of operating systems and processor architectures, and is currently in use on thousands of clusters around the world. It has been used to link clusters across university campuses and around the world and can scale to handle clusters with 2000 nodes.
Genie: Genie provides REST-ful APIs to run Hadoop, Hive and Pig jobs, and to manage multiple Hadoop resources and perform job submissions across them.
Google Borg: job scheduling and monitoring system
Google Omega: job scheduling and monitoring system
Hannibal: Hannibal is tool to help monitor and maintain HBase-Clusters that are configured for manual splitting.
Hortonworks HOYA: application that can deploy HBase cluster on YARN
Jumbune: Jumbune is an open-source product built for analyzing Hadoop cluster and MapReduce jobs.
Marathon: Mesos framework for long-running services
BigData System Deployment links
Mon 14 September 2015