Ansible for DevOps, Jeff Geerling
Author Jeff Geerling says it best, this book is “server and configuration management for humans.” Whether you’re just venturing into server management, are already up and running, or just want to know what all the fuss is about, this book is a down-to-earth and extremely practical guide to all things Ansible. Strategies for optimisation alongside common pitfalls make Ansible for DevOps a practical read that will soon find a home on many a SysAdmin’s bookshelf.
A classic and a staple of SysAdmin’s everywhere, this book has held its own since its first edition. The revised version has taken reader feedback on board to enhance its two halves - The Basics and The Icing - which together equip the hardiest of SysAdmins with the practical knowledge to apply in their day to day work.
UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook, Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, and Trent Hein
Another classic and the most comprehensive guide to UNIX and Linux administration out there. The UNIX and Linux were originally published independently, but a forward-thinking publisher pushed the two together and created an incredibly helpful guide for both experienced and beginner administrators.
The Visible Ops Handbook, Gene Kim
A cult-classic of the SysAdmin world, The Visible Ops Handbook is based on four steps to shift an organisation towards continuous improvement and increased control. Unlike many handbooks, its style is light making it an easy read with guidance grounded in real-world applications.
Vagrant: Up and Running, Mitchell Hashimoto
Get to grips with Vagrant with this must-have guide. Up and Running covers the basics - how to setup Vagrant, Vagrant alternatives - through to automated provisioning, box management and customisation. Well worth a read for any administrator looking to get started with Vagrant.
Web Operations: Keep the Data On Time, Jesse Robbins, John Allspaw
Be warned, you will not find a single line of code in this book. Instead, you’ll find a collection of essays and interviews from practicing administrators. Their stories from the front line are varied, often funny and incredibly honest. This is your resource for learning the human skills needed in system administration, how to work around the challenges of scaling databases, and how to recover from an administration disaster.
Time Management for System Administrators, Thomas A. Limoncelli
Ever feel like your to-do list is never ending and you’re constantly inundated with more tasks? Thomas A. Limoncelli explains how to effectively manage your time while meeting the demands of your business and your boss. There are many dreary time management-related guides out in the field, but Limoncelli delivers succinct advice and practical tips that will make a tangible difference to your working day.
SysAdmin Books
Thu 10 September 2015