Java samples

Sun 08 November 2015
brettryan/io-recurse-tests Create some benchmarking tests for variations of recursively listing all I/O files.

Java libs

Sat 07 November 2015
Command line interface args4j is a small Java class library that makes it easy to parse command line options/arguments in your CUI application.

Go learning path

Mon 05 October 2015
Books An Introduction to Programming in Go Documentation Go Documentation Articles Go Slices: usage and internals Defer, Panic, and Recover Packages Go Search

R Programming links

Mon 14 September 2015
Spatial Microsimulation with R

Spark Links

Mon 14 September 2015
Articles A Docker Image for Graph Analytics on Neo4j with Apache Spark GraphX

Go proramming Links

Mon 14 September 2015
Articles An incomplete list of Go tools Probabilistic Data Structures for Go

Hive useful Links

Mon 14 September 2015
Articles Using GenericUDFs to return multiple values in Apache Hive

Docker Links

Mon 14 September 2015
Core Dockerfile Project Trusted Automated Docker Builds Docker GitHub repositories Libraries docker/libcompose A Go library for Docker Compose. It does everything the command-line tool does, but from within Go: read Compose files, start them, scale them, etc. Management Panamax: Docker Management for Humans An open-source project that makes deploying ...

Python Links

Mon 14 September 2015
Parallel execution ipyparallel Interactive Parallel Computing in Python Interactive Python IPython provides a rich architecture for interactive computing with: A kernel for Jupyter. A powerful interactive shell. Support for interactive data visualization and use of GUI toolkits. Flexible, embeddable interpreters to load into your own projects ...

BigData Testing

Mon 14 September 2015
Slides Testing Big Data: Automated Testing of Hadoop with QuerySurge