Amazon Web Services in Plain English (notes)

Sat 12 September 2015
Read original page: Amazon Web Services in Plain English Base Services EC2 (Amazon Virtual Servers): Host the bits of things you think of as a computer. It's handwavy, but EC2 instances are similar to the virtual private servers you'd get at Linode, DigitalOcean or Rackspace IAM (Users, Keys ...

Links / 2015-03-30

Mon 30 March 2015
8 Hadoop articles that you should read Using NGINX to speed up Hue Install Apache Hadoop Cluster on Amazon EC2 free tier Ubuntu server in 30 minutes Use Case: Spark Performance Monitoring DIGGING DEEPER INTO APACHE MESOS Continuous Delivery with Broken Builds and a Clean Conscience How To Manage Jenkins ...

Links / 2015-03-21

Sat 21 March 2015
A Recipe For Continuous Integration Using An OpenStack Private Cloud Scale Your Jenkins Compute With Your Dev Team: Use Docker and Jenkins Swarm Jenkins to Nexus with Git Polling Conquer continuous delivery with GitHub and Jenkins (registration is required) Using Packer and Ansible to Build Virtual Machines Best Practices for ...