Links / 2015-07-31

Fri 31 July 2015
Deploying Openstack Using Containers Juju deploy Kubernetes 1.0.0 OpenStack Juno - Flat Networking and Fixed IP Addresses Operating Your OpenStack Cloud using Ansible Running Ceph inside Docker Deploy your service Hadoop-As-A-Service (HaaS) through a HEAT Stack Creating A RancherOS Image for OpenStack Containerize OpenStack with Docker Build your RESTful ...

Links / 2015-03-25

Wed 25 March 2015
TLS Prober is a tool for identifying the implementation in use by SSL/TLS servers. It analyses the behaviour of a server by sending a range of probes then comparing the responses with a database of known signatures. Does Your Dashboard Suck? A quick guide to MongoDB to work with ...

Links / 2015-03-23

Mon 23 March 2015
Scala Talk at FOSDEM 2009, Martin Odersky (10 SlideShares) , Professor at EPFL Docker Support in IntelliJ IDEA 14.1 Powerpoint is Dead: Use These 6 Tools Instead Тезисы для презентации по Bigdata Virtualization vs. Containerization Azure Virtual Machine quick provisioning using Azure Powershell

Links / 2015-03-19

Thu 19 March 2015
7 Reactive Programming Tools You MUST Know Чуть-чуть тезисов для демо по Докеру Тезисы для демо Devops Continuous Delivery - From Theory to Practice A Recipe For Continuous Integration Using An OpenStack Private Cloud Docker Multi-Containers Orchestration with Live Migration and High-Availability for Microservices in Jelastic Using Packer and Ansible to ...