- 7 Reactive Programming Tools You MUST Know
- Чуть-чуть тезисов для демо по Докеру
- Тезисы для демо Devops
- Continuous Delivery - From Theory to Practice
- A Recipe For Continuous Integration Using An OpenStack Private Cloud
- Docker Multi-Containers Orchestration with Live Migration and High-Availability for Microservices in Jelastic
- Using Packer and Ansible to Build Virtual Machines
- Triggering Jenkins jobs remotely via git post-commit hooks
- Jump-Start Big Data with Hortonworks Sandbox on Azure
- Virtualized Big Data Faster Than Bare Metal
- Apache Jena Elephas is a set of libraries which provide various basic building blocks which enable you to start writing Apache Hadoop based applications which work with RDF data.
- Difference between Unit Testing and Integration Testing
- Azure Virtual Network vs AWS Virtual Private Cloud
- 7 Best Responsive Web Design Books
Links / 2015-03-19
Thu 19 March 2015