SonarQube in Docker environment
Mon 14 September 2015Install Pull Docker images for PostgreSQL and SonarQube $ docker pull postgres:9.4 $ docker pull sonarqube:5.1.2 Configuration Database configuration By default, the image will use an embedded H2 database that is not suited for production. The production database is configured with these variables: SONARQUBE_JDBC_USERNAME SONARQUBE_JDBC_PASSWORD SONARQUBE_JDBC_URL $ docker ...
BigData Testing
Mon 14 September 2015Slides Testing Big Data: Automated Testing of Hadoop with QuerySurge
Java programming Links
Mon 14 September 2015Build Install local jar with Maven Maven Deploy to Nexus Maven Release to Nexus How to build true pipelines with Jenkins and Maven How to create a jar file with Maven Continuous Integration Continuous Integration with JBoss Fuse, Jenkins and Nexus Streamlining a Deployment Pipeline with a Custom Jenkins Plug-In ...
Links / 2015-03-21
Sat 21 March 2015A Recipe For Continuous Integration Using An OpenStack Private Cloud Scale Your Jenkins Compute With Your Dev Team: Use Docker and Jenkins Swarm Jenkins to Nexus with Git Polling Conquer continuous delivery with GitHub and Jenkins (registration is required) Using Packer and Ansible to Build Virtual Machines Best Practices for ...
Links / 2015-03-19
Thu 19 March 20157 Reactive Programming Tools You MUST Know Чуть-чуть тезисов для демо по Докеру Тезисы для демо Devops Continuous Delivery - From Theory to Practice A Recipe For Continuous Integration Using An OpenStack Private Cloud Docker Multi-Containers Orchestration with Live Migration and High-Availability for Microservices in Jelastic Using Packer and Ansible to ...